Each year several hundred Airedales find their way into rescue and begin new lives. Because of the generous support of donors like you, National Airedale Rescue is able to assist with the financial needs of Airedale rescue organizations throughout the United States and Canada each year so these great dogs continue to find loving homes. We appreciate your donations!

The thank-you acknowledgements found in the links below follow our fiscal year which runs from July 1 to June 30.

If you have made a donation to the ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee (or National Airedale Rescue, Inc.) and your name is not listed, please email the web manager e-mail the webmaster We appreciate and want to acknowledge every donation.

The wonderful bees of the Airedale Quilting Bee, who create masterpieces and donate the profits to Airedale Rescue. View the quilts.

Donate with PayPal or Credit Card


Click here for other ways to donate

Airedale Information

Safety Issues

This will take you to the page that is your source for Safety Issues regarding Airedales.  This would include anything that could affect your Airedale as a member of your family or rescue efforts of Airedales.   Read more >>


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