Click on any highlighted name to open a separate page.

If you would like a special page created as a memorial or tribute, click here for instructions.


  • Charles Coco - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Pam Vandergrift - in honor of Lydia Ross for her birthday
  • Delia Hardie - for the senior fund in memory of Babette of New Mexico (formerly of Louisiana)
  • Paul O'Hara - a monthly donation dedicated to Astor via Network for Good
  • Robin Hall - a monthly donation via Network for Good
  • Stephanie S Lingelbach - for Senior Airedale expenses
  • Amy Taylor - a monthly donation dedicated for the Gracie J. Sibley Memorial Fund via Network for Good
  • Duane and Bette Baldwin - in Memory of our sweet little Babette - if love could have saved her, she would have loved forever
  • Donors to the Marla of Arizona Surgery Fund
    • Charles Adam
    • jay bailey
    • David Barrett
    • Bonnie Belk
    • Patricia Bently
    • Suellen Black
    • Martha Blacklock
    • Gail Boatwright
    • Barbara Bonfield
    • Rick Clark
    • Joan F. Crum
    • Keith & Sheila Cumva
    • Joan DaVanzo
    • Andrea Denninger
    • Cheryl Doria
    • Rebecca Eash
    • Jeanne Esmond
    • Joyce Fazekas
    • Joyce Ferreira
    • Rita Ferrer
    • Mary Giltner
    • diane Gleasman
    • Delia Hardie
    • Sidney Hardie
    • Becky Hawkins
    • ruth ellen hill
    • Margie Hirsh
    • Jackie Hodge
    • Lulu Hoeller
    • Marcia Hogsed
    • Daniel Hostetler
    • Suzanne Iorio
    • Patricia Jefferson
    • johnita jones
    • Sharilyn Kmech
    • Gitte Koopmans
    • Mareike Kuypers
    • Laureen Light
    • Gayla Machell
    • Joe Marrs
    • Sue A McGrory
    • Jackie McGuinness
    • Kerry McLean
    • Yvonne Michalak
    • Molly Morgan
    • Debora Moritz
    • Jill Morse
    • Lynn Mudd
    • Teri Murdock
    • NEAR
    • Diane Nicholls
    • Karlene Ochoa
    • Barbara Oimas
    • V'Lou Oliveira
    • Lynn O'Shaughnessy
    • Heather Parker
    • Marianne Perry
    • Denise Pertuit
    • Jeanette Pickard
    • Lynne Powell
    • Kari Radojevic
    • Sheryl Redlin-Frazier
    • Elke Rohn
    • lydia ross
    • Belle Schwarzenbach
    • Maureen Scott
    • Bob & Denise Seis
    • Susan Senerchia
    • Andrea Shafran
    • Timothy Sheffer
    • Nata, Greg and Griffie Shubin
    • SOAR - Muldaur Fund
    • Roberta Sparr
    • Jill Springborn
    • Denise StJohn
    • Stephanie Stumbaugh
    • Jules Taylor
    • Linda Tegarden
    • Ruth Thompson
    • Lorelei Varese
    • Joey Warren
    • Sam Whitby
    • Teresa Wyatt-Trujillo
    • Patricia Zebuth


  • Charles Coco - monthly donation via PayPal
  • HP Your Cause - donation match for Perry Liston donation for Texas Airedale Rescue Team
  • Aetna Foundation - Payroll donation by Pamela Jones
  • Dr. A. A. Koeller - in Memory of Frank Briskie
  • Judy Padour - in Memory of Frank Briskie
  • Mary Alice Briskie - in Memory of Frank Briskie
  • Shanley Computer Systems, Inc - for Southwest Airedale Terrier Rescue
  • Robin Hersh - for Southwest Airedale Terrier Rescue
  • Robin Hersh - In Memory and Honor for the late, great, courageous RED !!
  • Ashley Holbrook - for Oklahoma Airedale Rescue to help Daisy
  • Paul O'Hara - a monthly donation dedicated to Astor via Network for Good
  • Robin Hall - a monthly donation via Network for Good
  • Marigny Ernst - for Airedale Rescue, New Orleans, Louisiana, in the name of Delia Hardie
  • Susan Sheehan - Donation to the Marla of Arizona Surgery Fund
  • Amy Taylor - a monthly donation dedicated for the Gracie J. Sibley Memorial Fund via Network for Good
  • Ronda G. Reddy - via Thomson Reuters My Community Program
  • Jim Hession - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Melissa Sibley - in Memory of Chase Brittan
  • Jan Wiles - Donation to the Marla of Arizona Surgery Fund
  • Anonymous donation to the Gracie J. Sibley Memorial Fund


  • Charles Coco - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Pamela McKusick - Donation to the Marla of Arizona Surgery Fund
  • Lulu Hoeller - Donation for Holly of Oklahoma
  • Paul O'Hara - a monthly donation dedicated to Astor via Network for Good
  • Supporters who choose National Airedale Rescue on when they shop.
  • Dorothy Duff - In Memory of Harry, beloved companion of Julie Bisbee
  • Jim Hession - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Anonymous donation in honor of Suzanne Iorio via JustGive
  • Delia Hardie - in Memory of Coocaloo
  • Lisa Nettleton - for Holly of Oklahoma


  • Sidney Hardie - in Memory of Brody Richards
  • Charles Coco - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Paul O'Hara - a monthly donation dedicated to Astor via Network for Good
  • Fran Weinstock - donation in honor of Frances Martin for Rosie's Fifth Birthday
  • Robin Hall - For Arizona Fund
  • Grant from (GGO) and The Animal Rescue Site as a state winner in the first Shelter Challenge of 2014
  • Anonymous donation via in honor of Suzanne Iorio
  • Aetna Foundation - Payroll donation by Pamela Jones
  • Jim Hession - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Devon Paolella via AT&T Employee Giving Campaign


  • Charles Coco - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Andrea Burchell - for SWAT - in Loving Memory of Rumleigh
  • Claudia Cavin - for Senior Airedales
  • Dr. Jessica G. Rabin - in Memory of Sean
  • Paul O'Hara - a monthly donation dedicated to Astor via Network for Good
  • Jim Hession - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Nelda Moore - donation via in Memory of Minnie Oliver
  • Heda Jindrak - donation to honor all the Airedales, Welsh terriers and fox terriers I have known in my life,  who have made it brighter, happier and better with their courage, love and good cheer, and, of course, with their crazy antics.


  • Charles Coco - monthly donation via PayPal
  • Donations for Oklahoma Airedale Rescue
      • R. E. Hill
      • Barbara Bonfield
      • Sharon Kmech
  • Jim Hession - monthly donation via PayPal
  • John and Ann Dudley - in Memory of Ilona Sanderson





If you have made a donation to the ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee (or National Airedale Rescue, Inc.) and your name is not listed, please email the webmaster. We appreciate and want to acknowledge every donation.

Donate with PayPal or Credit Card


Click here for other ways to donate

Airedale Information

Safety Issues

This will take you to the page that is your source for Safety Issues regarding Airedales.  This would include anything that could affect your Airedale as a member of your family or rescue efforts of Airedales.   Read more >>


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