The Airedale Rescue Network consists of individuals and groups who actively rescue and place homeless Airedales. Some Airedale Rescue volunteers are members of the Airedale Terrier Club of America (ATCA) and some are not. What they all have in common is a deep love for the Airedale breed.

The information here is provided for analysis and evaluation by each individual rescue volunteer or group. Each rescue volunteer is encouraged to review forms with an attorney in their own jurisdiction. Every rescue volunteer is personally responsible for any dog they place and should be aware of the laws applicable in their location as well as their personal homeowners insurance coverage.

The ATCA Rescue and Adoption Committee recognizes, supports and promotes regional and individual rescue efforts and provides information and education for those new to or interested in rescue. The Airedale Terrier Club of America does not rescue dogs itself and does not provide insurance coverage for rescue volunteers.

Airedale Rescue Training (ART)

The ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee is to happy to offer an optional training program for apprentice rescue volunteers who are unable, or for some reason choose not, to obtain training through an active Airedale Rescue Regional Group operating in their area of residence. This program is not intended to replace the regular method of becoming an Airedale Rescue volunteer by joining an Airedale Rescue Regional Group. To find a group in your area, visit our list of regional rescue contacts.

If you are ready to train, and want to use the ART program, let us know.


Forms and Guidelines

The forms and guidelines below can be printed by using the "print" button at the top of the screen...or they are in pdf or MS Word format. You are encouraged to edit and format the forms for your own use.

If you have forms or fostering/adoption advice to share, please contact us with your suggestions.

Survey of Airedales Rescued

We are attempting to gather statistics on how many purebred Airedales are rescued each year. As each Airedale leaves rescue (returned to owner, placed in new home, or otherwise), please complete the survey form.

  • Survey Form (to report and submit Survey of Airedales Rescued)

Historical Statistics

Lost Airedales Poster

ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee Policies

Volunteering For Airedale Rescue

Rescue Basics


Dog Intake




Advice for Applicants / Adopters / Foster Families



courtesy of ATRA

You can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader from the following link. This allows you to view PDF forms, but not to change them. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

General Information
Rescue and [Your Organization]
PDF Format Word Format
What Does it Take to
Adopt an Airedale?
PDF Format Word Format
Things to Consider
After the Adoption
PDF Format Word Format
Are You Ready
for an Airedale?
PDF Format Word Format
Consider a Senior PDF Format Word Format
What Does it Take to be
a Foster Family?
PDF Format Word Format
Suggestions for Grooming
an Airedale
PDF Format Word Format
What Does it Take to do
a Home Visit?
PDF Format Word Format
What Does it Take to
Promote [Your Organization]
PDF Format Word Format
What to Know about
Surrendering an Airedale
PDF Format Word Format
What Does it Take to
PDF Format Word Format

Generic Forms

Generic forms in Word format provided courtesy of Rocky Mountain Airedale Rescue of Colorado.


Donate with PayPal or Credit Card


Click here for other ways to donate

Airedale Information

Each year several hundred Airedales find their way into rescue and begin new lives.  Because of the generous support of donors like you, National Airedale Rescue, Inc. is able to assist with the financial needs of Airedale rescue organizations throughout the United States and Canada each year so these great dogs continue to find loving homes.  We appreciate your donations!

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