Dog Profile
Profile of Dog for New Home
Airedale Rescue and Adoption
Prepared by____________________________________________
Length of time in foster home_______________________
Name of dog ___________________________________
Age ____________ Birthday_____/_____/_____
Inoculations Last Given Next Needed
DHLP-P ____/___/____ ____/____/_____
Rabies ____/___/____ ____/____/_____
Bordatella ____/___/____ ____/____/_____
Other ____/___/____ ____/____/_____
Heartworm Test ___/___/___
Brand of Preventive
_________________ ____/___/____ ____/____/____
Other Tests Done Date Result
_____________________ ___/___/___ __________________
_____________________ ___/___/___ __________________
Spayed/Neutered ____/_____/______
Other Surgery/Comments _________________________________________
Medication Type Dosage Schedule
Ear ___________ ___________ ____________________
Eye ___________ ___________ ____________________
Skin ___________ ___________ ____________________
Other ___________ ___________ ____________________
An examination by your veterinarian should be scheduled for no later than ___/___/___ . At that time, no shots are due, unless you elect to innoculate against Lyme Disease, but the following should be (re)examined
Feeding Instructions:
Dry dog food should be the main part of your dog's diet. (For flavor it is okay to add a little canned food, cottage cheese, or even a small amount of leftovers from your own table.)
Amount dry food____________ 1 2 3 Times Daily
Brand currently used____________________________________________________
Obedience Training:
Seems to have some familiarity with
Sit_______ Down_____ Stay_____
Shake_____ Heel______ Come____
Fetch_____ Beg______ Other___________________
Behavior on leash_____________________________________________________
House Manners:
"Housebroken" Yes________ No________
Needs to be crated when unattended Yes________ No________
Gets on furniture Yes________ No________
Begs at the table Yes________ No________
Takes things/food off counters/tables Yes________ No________
Used to sleeping on_____________in________________(room)
Behavior Outside:
Jumps / Climbs Fences Yes_____No______
Digs Holes Yes_____No______
Barks Excessively Yes_____No______
Comments / Suggestions_______________________________________________
Social Behavior:
Good with Cats_____ Other dogs M F Birds______ Other_____
Men_____Women_____Teenagers______Small Children______
For Grooming Good_____ Okay_____ Needs Restraint_____
At Vet's Good_____ Okay_____ Needs Restraint_____
In Car Good_____ Okay_____ Needs Restraint_____
With Visitors Good_____ Okay_____ Needs Restraint_____