Legal Designation Language for Wills and Estate Plans

If you choose to include National Airedale Rescue, Inc., in your will or estate plan, we should be named as:

National Airedale Rescue, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Arizona.

Our tax identification number is 27-0054363

At National Airedale Rescue, Inc., all charitable gifts are used to support rescued Airedales on an as-needed basis. Funds donated are carefully allocated to Airedale Rescue volunteers who have agreed to abide by the ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee policies and guidelines for reimbursement of bills directly associated with a Rescued Airedale.

A Bequest for Specific Purposes: Some people want to donate for a specific purpose, a type of gift sometimes called a "restricted bequest." Restrictions are often designed in consultation with the National Airedale Rescue, Inc., Treasurer, who can help you craft language that will ensure your gift will do what you want it to do.

In Case of Emergency

Just as important as estate planning, you should also plan for the care of your pets in case of an emergency. 

The main thing you do to protect your Airedale is to put things in writing and let whomever you trust or lives close know your wishes to get your Airedale to the closest Airedale Rescue Volunteer. A note on the refrigerator is very important. Over the years, this simple measure has prevented Airedales from being taken to Animal Control.

If you live alone, put a note on your front door that there is a big dog inside and please do not let him/her loose.dont let dog out door hanger

The reason for this piece of advice is that when emergency personnel are called to a home where an individual lives alone, they will enter as quickly as possible and if they aren't aware of a dog, the dog may run out the door.

Click here for a handy wallet card and contact form to post in your home.

Sign Keep Gate Closed

Information provided on our Internet site is not intended to be tax or legal advice. Please consult a qualified financial advisor before making a gift.


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Click here for other ways to donate

Airedale Information

Safety Issues

This will take you to the page that is your source for Safety Issues regarding Airedales.  This would include anything that could affect your Airedale as a member of your family or rescue efforts of Airedales.   Read more >>


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