Foster Volunteer Questionnaire
Airedale Rescue & Adoption
Application for Foster Care
Name_______________________________ Phone _____-______-__________
Work phone ____-____-______
Fax ____-____-______
ENVIRONMENT: House: Own___ Rent__ Apartment/Condo: ___
Urban___ Suburban___ Rural___
Please list all family members and their ages. (Please include live-in help and frequent visitors.)
_________________________ ____ _________________________ ____
_________________________ ____ _________________________ ____
_________________________ ____ _________________________ ____
_________________________ ____ _________________________ ____
_________________________ ____ _________________________ ____
Is anyone in the family allergic to dogs?____________
Why do you want to foster an Airedale?
Preferences: Male____ Female____ Does size matter?__________
Do you have a Fenced-in Yard?
_______ Directly accessible from at least one door of the house
_______ Detached from the house so that you must walk out to it
Approximate area of yard _____________________________
Fence Type ____________________________________________
Fence Height __________________________________________
____ No
How and how often would you handle exercise and “bathroom”
exercise: _________________________________________________
Swimming Pool: Y / N
In-ground ____
Above ground ____
Separately fenced? Y / N "Dog-proof" steps? Y / N
Have you ever owned an Airedale? Y / N
If not, what breeds have you owned?
Do you have any house cats? Y / N Any outside cats? Y / N
Please list all of your other pets, their ages, and indicate whether they are neutered/spayed:
Are all of your pets currently up-to-date on all shots? Y / N
Are the dogs on a monthly heartworm preventive? Y / N
Will your foster dog . . .
have run of the house? Y / N If not, to what areas will he be
confined? ________________________________________________________
be allowed on the furniture? Y / N
have dog beds or blankets here & there? Y / N
sleep in your bedroom? Y / N
If not, where? _____________________
How many hours at one time is no one home? __________
Where will he be during this time? ______________________________________
Crated? Y / N
Are you familiar with a dog crate? Y / N
Do you own a bigger-than Airedale-size crate? Y / N
When would you use one? _______________________________________
In what room would you put the crate? ________________________________________
Have you had any formal dog training instruction? Y / N
Do you enjoy obedience training? Y / N
Do any of your dogs have an obedience title? Y / N
Would you welcome the challenge of turning an unruly, young Airedale
upstart into a responsive, loving companion? Y / N
How would you separate dogs/animals that may not coexist peacefully or
safely? _______________________________________________________________
Can you (do you have the facilities to) bathe and blow dry an Airedale? Y / N
Do you (can you) properly groom (clip) an Airedale? Y / N
We always deliver our Airedales to their new permanent homes freshly and correctly groomed. Are you qualified to or interested in providing this service? Y / N
If you cannot personally groom an Airedale correctly, do you know a groomer who can? Y / N
Can you provide pictures (digital or regular)? Y / N
Your Veterinarian _________________________ Phone ______-____-_______
Would your vet be willing to work with Rescue to provide more affordable veterinary services (shots, spays, neuterings) for our Rescue Dogs? Y / N
Are you willing to ask? Y / N
PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please provide two, perhaps a friend and a neighbor)
Name _____________________________________Phone ______-______-______
Address ________________________________________________________________
Name ____________________________________ Phone ______-______-______
Address ________________________________________________________________
“The information I have provided in this application is true and complete. I understand that caring for a dog no matter how short-term is a serious commitment.”
Foster Care Candidate Signature_____________________________________________
Send Completed Application to: