Our Goal: to see that every Airedale is microchipped...
...and able to be reunited if lost. This sounds like an ambitious goal, but it is definitely a worthy one!
Rescue Airedales
Several years ago National Airedale Rescue began purchasing microchips from Home Again at a discounted price and offering them to the affiliated Airedale rescue groups and Airedale rescue volunteers so that hopefully every rescue Airedale went to his or her new home with a microchip. The goal was to make it affordable for all rescue Airedales to be microchipped and to make it easy to reunite rescue Airedales if lost.
Airedale owners and breeders
Did you know that if you are an Airedale owner or Airedale breeder, you too can take part in this program?
Although we don't want to get into the "business" of selling microchips and all of these kits are marked "Airedale Terrier Rescue", we are able to sell them to you for implanting into your other Airedales, Airedale puppies and other dogs in the families of Airedales (in other words; some way Airedale related)
If you will be hosting an event (an Airedale get together type of thing) and you have a vet able to implant on the spot, there is no reason you cannot purchase these kits for such an event and provide the service to your Airedale owning families and friends (even if one of their doggies isn't an Airedale).
Testimonial from Aidan Begeot
My puppies are protected with the Home Again microchips !!
The microchips are provided by the NAR Microchip Program for only $15 each and that INCLUDES the registration. All my humans had to do was contact Rusty and let her know how many pups I had and she sent them the microchips. My mom and dad (Skip and Ginny Begeot) feel much better knowing that my puppies are microchipped with the Home Again microchip.
I like it when everyone sleeps better at night ;-)
Details for purchasing microchips for non-rescues
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about purchasing microchips at a discounted price of $15 plus shipping. This price includes the registration so there is no other cost to you. Remember...our goal is to see that every Airedale is microchipped and able to be reunited if lost.
We have made it easy to find the microchip information pages on the NAR site by simply clicking on the "Microchip" button in the left sidebar.