Go Sydney Go!!!  Sydney won the popular vote at the Lake Erie Monsters hockey game by a landslide!

Sydney made the top ten out of 50 dogs that competed for the honor of being the next Lake Erie Monsters Top Dog.  Because of that, Sydney was invited to one of their games and was bound and determined to show the world that the Lake Erie Monsters needed an Airedale to represent them!

BUT - what no contestant was told, the winner was already determined before the game by the on-line voting.  So unfortunately, Frank the Boxer took that honor.  10,000 knew that Sydney was by far the best to represent the team and have her face on the pucks though.  Amazingly she even kept her Hanson Brother glasses on for 2 hours!  The fans were told she was in a group of elite Rescue Airedales now and Sydney wasted no time wooing the crowd.

Sydney first came into rescue when Don Brighenti was asked to pick up a male Airedale at the Canton Dog Pound.  Upon arriving at the pound, he discovered there was no male Airedale, only a shaggy female Airedale that had not been groomed for two years and just had a litter.  Her hair was so long that no one even knew that Sydney had prick ears until her first grooming!  Sandi Sprankle and Don fostered Sydney and knew almost immediately that she was home to stay.

Sydney is a delightfully pleasant Airedale...not obnoxious and rowdy like most youngsters.  She prefers to be indoors with Don and Sandi and yes, she fit right in with the Beagles and Ernie, the senior Airedale.  Her humble beginnings from a raggy, rural county pound to being a whole new bright and shiny gal has come.

"Life is unfair, as we all know, and a good thing too.  If it had gone according to plan, I would still be chained up outside some farmhouse in Ohio, living on short rations, barking at the wind and producing babies.

But fortunately, some of us are marked by fate to overcome humble beginnings and succeed in the world.  My story is based on actual events. However, following the current autobiographical custom adopted by politicians in their memoirs, i have adjusted the truth wherever it might reflect unfavorably on myself.

My progress through life had been a struggle with months in the wilderness, house hunting, curious encounters, milestones, turning points and so on.  But for now, let us put these aside and turn to more fundamental matters, my emergence as a sport celebrity!"


Photo is a past CoverDale: In exchange for a $25 donation to National Airedale Rescue, Inc., your favorite picture of a rehomed Airedale will be featured on the front page of the ATCA Rescue & Adoption Committee website for one week. 

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Airedale Information

Each year several hundred Airedales find their way into rescue and begin new lives.  Because of the generous support of donors like you, National Airedale Rescue, Inc. is able to assist with the financial needs of Airedale rescue organizations throughout the United States and Canada each year so these great dogs continue to find loving homes.  We appreciate your donations!

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