ART: Volunteer Affiliate form
Airedale Rescue Volunteer Affiliate -
Have you completed the form?
All Airedale Rescue volunteers, officially recognized by the National Airedale Rescue Committee, have completed and submitted their Volunteer Affiliate form. This form is available online at the NAR website (click here) where it can be completed and submitted online.
This form is valuable to NAR for the information it provides about each of our volunteers regarding contact information, services the volunteer is able to provide, and areas in which those services can be rendered. The value to the volunteer is being listed on the NAR roster as a recognized NAR Rescue Volunteer, and making sure she/he is able to receive all important rescue notices and updates, plus making yourself eligible to apply for membership to the AireSupport email discussion list. The opportunity of being in contact with the other active and experienced Airedale rescue volunteers on this discussion list is a fantastic way of learning how to be an educated and responsible rescue volunteer. Learning from each other has always proven to be a most effective educational tool. Being a recognized NAR Rescue Volunteer also makes you eligible for financial assistance in paying the rescue bills!
To join this Airedale Rescue Volunteer network, you must agree to the NAR Policies and Guidelines. These policies and guidelines have been created by our most experienced NAR rescue volunteers over the years, and have proven to be critically important in operating a well functioning and effective rescue network. This form describes the minimum standards required to become a member of the NAR Network, to be listed on the NAR website, and to receive financial assistance from NAR. Quite honestly, with all the benefits available to members of the NAR Network, I can not imagine why anyone would NOT want to join this network!
NOTE: ALL MEMBERS OF THE NAR NETWORK ARE REQUIRED TO RE-REGISTER EACH YEAR! Please make sure you reapply each and every year. Once a year, perhaps on your birthday, or some other easily remembered date, simply go to the above linked site and reapply, reconfirming your commitment to Airedale Rescue.
What is required information on this form?
- We need your personal contact information. You have the liberty of telling us what information we may list on our NAR Website.
- How long you’ve been involved in rescue, and if you’re operating as an independent or with a rescue group.
- What geographical area you’re able to cover for rescue duties.
- Which rescue services you’re able to provide. Services needed are varied, and seldom is one volunteer able to perform all listed services! You’re able to pick and choose which services you feel you are able to provide.
Further, you will be asked to confirm that you will make your best effort to ensure that you follow the rules and guidelines that have proven to provide the best possible service to our rescued Airedales - procedures that have made Airedale Rescue a leader in the rescue field. Following are commitments you will be asked to make:
- I will take immediate action to bring into rescue any purebred Airedale Terrier that I am contacted about that needs rescuing.
- I will have all rescue dogs in my charge spayed or neutered before placement.
I will have all rescue dogs in my charge bathed and groomed (clipped or stripped) before placement. I will have all rescued dogs in my charge brought up-to-date on shots based on the age of the dog, any known history of vaccinations, the law of my locale, and consultation with my veterinarian.
- I will have all rescue dogs in my charge microchipped before placement.
- I will have all rescue dogs in my charge carefully evaluated for temperament and personality before placement in order to be matched with an appropriate home.
- I will place all Airedales in my charge only in homes where the prospective adopters have been thoroughly screened and evaluated for the Airedale.
- I will place all rescue dogs in my charge as house-dogs with a securely fenced yard. (Any exceptions that I make to the above policy will be based on special circumstances which are in the best interest of the rescue dog only and are documented in writing in the adoption contract.)
- I will give all inquiries from outside the area I cover contact information for the volunteer closest to them. I will also transmit any information I obtain about the inquirer to the local volunteer.
- I will not place a dog outside my region without the knowledge and cooperation of the volunteer closest to the adopter.
- Before any out-of-region placement is made, I will come to an agreement with the local volunteer about what will be done if the placement does not work out.
- Before I send an Airedale to a distant placement I will make sure that it is well-groomed, has received essential vet care and has been evaluated in terms of temperament and suitability for placement in the distant home. I will see that the Airedale is microchipped and wearing identification tags. I will provide to the local volunteer all medical records and other documents relating to the Airedale either ahead of time or see that it travels with the dog.
- I have read the NAR Stray Dog Policy and agree to follow it.
- I have read the NAR Owned Dogs Policy and agree to follow it.
- I have read the NAR Policy on dogs with known breeders and agree to follow it.
- I have read the NAR Reimbursement Policy and understand that if I have followed the NAR Policies and Guidelines, I may request reimbursement of expenses for rescued purebred Airedales if my local funds have been exhausted.
By following these Rules and Guidelines, NAR volunteers continue to provide the best possible rescue service to our Airedales in need of rescue, and to our volunteers who dedicate themselves to rescuing and rehoming our beloved breed.
The NAR policies that we have linked in this article have been written up in a booklet form that could be printed off. If you would like an email download of that Written In Stone booklet of these NAR policies, send your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
ART Newsletter Copyright 2009 by Sally Schnellmann and National Airedale Rescue. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the publisher's written permission.