Nanci Nowlen - Little 'Dale Blue

Nanci Nowlen
Oregon, USA





Little 'Dale Blue

Fiber Artist:
Nanci Nowlen
Patty Eisenbraun




I am Nanci Nowlen from Oregon.  I am a Speech Pathologist working for the Salem Public schools.  When not enjoying working with students, I Knit.  I am involved in 4 groups of women who knit. All of my knitting bags have an Airedale on them and I even have Airedale stitch markers.
I am the proud Grammy of  two girls age 1 and 4, so much of my knitting is for them.   
At my home I am Trevor Airedale’s person.  Trevor is my second Airedale.  He is 8 years old.  Trevor attends doggy day care three days a week and has a dog “walker” for the other two.   He will not walk with her though.  I think it is because he takes me seriously when I tell him to “take care of the house.” Trevor is retired from Library therapy dog work.

 I am delighted to add that I have had the honor to contribute to all of the Airedale quilts.  This block was drawn by Pattie Eisenbraun and depicts the nursery rhyme “Little Airedale boy Blue.”








Designed by Holly and Jessica Coes