Judy Dwiggins - The Three Billy 'Dales Gruff

Judy Dwiggins
Oregon, USA







   The three Billy 'Dales Gruff


Fiber Artist: Judy Dwiggins
Judy Dwiggins







My husband. Roy and I, along with our Airedale, Anabelle, live in Troutdale, Oregon.  It's a little town about 20 miles east of Portland on the Columbia River Gorge.   We've both lived in the Portland area all of our lives.  It's a beautiful part of the country.  

I've been a contributor to the annual Airedale Quilt Raffle since its beginning in 1999.  Anabelle is our third Airedale.  She, along with Bonnie and Beau, now at the Rainbow Bridge, have been an inspiration to me.  There's no end to the entertainment when you share your life with an Airedale.   

Our grandchildren have grown up with Airedales being an important part of their lives.   Jordan, our oldest grandson is now nine years-old.  He is very close to Anabelle,, as they are nearly the same age.  Jordan used to love having me tell him stories of the Adventures of Beau and Anabelle.  He now enjoys writing his own Airedale adventures.  

A year ago in October, Anabelle was diagnosed with Lymphoma.  She underwent six months of chemotheraphy.  The oncologist told us there's no cure for Canine Lymphoma.  She said they hope for remission.  Though the chemo was difficult, Anabelle proved what a brave Airedale
is all about.   She is happy and enjoys her daily walks and spending time with our family.  Last summer, my grandson Jude asked me to make him a super hero cape.  I ended up making capes for three of my grandchildren and one for Anabelle too.  How could I leave her out?  She
is the greatest super hero I know.   A couple of months ago, Anabelle wore her cape in for her monthly visit to the oncologist.  Her doctor thought her cape was wonderful.  In fact, she took a photo of Super Anabelle in her cape to
use in a presentation to colleagues.   I think Anabelle's very fortunate to have a doctor who cares so much.  It's meant so much to us too. 
We consider every day spent with her to be a blessing. 

This year's block is a tribute to the three billy goat's gruff.  I have always loved that Fairy Tale.  When my grandchildren were visiting awhile back, they saw my drawing for the quilt block.  I told them the story with the three Airedale gruffs.  Jude (age 5) and Maya (age 3) spent the morning play-acting the story.  They loved pretending to be Airedales -- barking at the mean-old troll.   It's so great that they've learned how special it is to share their lives with dogs.   We are so very lucky. 

(The photo is of Jordan and Jude at the beach with Anabelle in their super hero capes.)








Designed by Holly and Jessica Coes