Joyce Miller - The Little Match 'Dale

Joyce Miller
Texas, USA


The Little Match 'Dale

The Little Match Dale looked around. Where was she? How had she lost her way? Would she ever find a home? She was cold and lonely and very sad.

She looked down and saw a bright red kong. She woofed. It didn't move. She play bowed. Still it did not move. So she grabbed at it with her mouth, and wonder of wonders, the kong flamed bright. She backed off. She had never seen a kong with a flame.

As she sat and stared at the flame, she saw the day she was born. Although she couldn't see anything at the time, she was very aware of
all her brothers and sisters, all snuggling together, all suckling together. And she could smell the nice lady who sat by them, watching
their every move, sending love to all of them. The scene stopped as the flame burned out.

"Let's see if we can do that again," the Little Match Dale thought, and she immediately grabbed at the kong with her mouth. Again, the kong flamed bright. This time, she saw herself playing with all her brothers and sisters. There was little blue ribbon boy climbing the stairs to the slide in their puppy head start playground. And she saw herself, little blue ribbon girl, charging after him, trying to beat him to the slide. The two of them tumbled down, hitting the ground, and running back to the stairs. The Little Match Dale sighed a deep sigh. And the flame burned out.

So the Little Match Dale grabbed at the kong again, and it burst into flame. This time she saw the nice lady telling the man who bought her what a wonderful show dog she would be. Her body was perfect and she moved like a dream. This would be the show dog for him. He took Little Match Dale and left the home of the nice lady. He groomed her, trained her, showed her in fun matches. And then he took her to a big dog show. Little Match Dale looked around the show grounds, and she sighed. This most definitely did not look like fun. Then the man took her into the show ring, and a big man with a stern look came to touch her all over. She shuddered. She backed away. And the man who had taken her from the nice lady took her back, saying "This is NOT a show dog." He seemed very angry, but Little Match Dale wagged and wagged to see the nice lady again. And the flame burned out.




Again, Little Match Dale grabbed at the kong and once again it flamed to life. This time she was sitting right where she was now. She had gone to a home with lots of children and they used to hug her tightly and hit her roughly. And she was kept always outdoors. One day, she slipped out of the fence, and kept walking. She stared at the flame, and suddenly she saw her Granny smiling down on her, surrounded by light, dressed all in white. Little Match Dale was delighted to see Granny but she was cold and sad and didn't know what would happen to her. Granny smiled lovingly, and told her to follow her. Little Match Dale thought she was going to go live with Granny at the Rainbow
Bridge, and so she followed.

Granny stayed a little ahead of Little Match Dale, looking back encouragingly and told her lovingly that she was not going to the Rainbow Bridge, not yet. She still had work to do. So Little Match Dale went happily forward thinking how wonderful it would be if Granny took her back to the nice lady. She looked around, and the kong was gone, but that didn't matter because Granny would keep her safe and warm.

Just then, she came to a very pretty house with a big fenced in yard. Several Airedales came running out to meet her. She looked at Granny, and Granny nodded with a smile, encouraging her to go up the walk to the door of the house. She did so, and turned around to see Granny leaving. She cried and then she heard Granny say, "You have lots of work left to do and the lady in this house will see that you get the right home so you can do your work." Little Match Dale cried out with a plaintiff "Woof-Woof," but Granny continued to smile as she got smaller and smaller.

When all the Little Match Dale could see was the light of a star, the door to the house opened. Warmth tumbled out the door, as the most beautiful woman she could imagine leaned down and petted her. "Welcome to Airedale Rescue, Little Match Dale. You are safe now, and we have a very special home that needs you. Come on in!" And Little Match Dale walked through the door into the welcome of the other Airedales, and she never looked back. She lived a very long life with a wonderful family who needed her love, her service to help a handicapped child, and her devotion. It would be 16 years before she went to the Rainbow Bridge to spend eternity with Granny and all the other wonderful dogs.








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