Jeanne Esmond - Jack and Jill

Jeanne Esmond
Virginia, USA





     Jack and Jill


Fiber Artist:
Jeanne Esmond

Patty Eisenbraun




My name is Jeanne Esmond and I live in
Northern Virginia and belong to the Airedale
Terrier Club of Metropolitian Washington, DC.
I found the Club and subsequently the Airedale
Quilting Bee when my first Airedale Roxie was
banned from the grooming salon for bad (read
Airedale) behavior! I joined the Club to attend
the grooming workshop and got involved with Rescue.

I have been a quilter for about as long as I have
been an Airedaler so it was logical for me to join
the Bee. I have made blocks for 5 quilts so far.
Each one has illustrated the life and personality
of one or more of my Dales.

My first block, Airelifted showed my sweet Roxie pulling ornaments/lights off the Christmas tree.
The second was my Sandy leaping  for a raccoon
in a tree in the Week of the Airedale quilt.
Airedale and Friends had my Sandy with my
mother's green parakeet on his nose. A Day in the
Life showed Sandy hunting a turtle, his favorite woodland occupation. And finally, Fairey Tales
shows Sandy and Katie my 11 year old Foster
fighting over the pail in the Jack and Jill Block.

I am proud to work w/the Bee and generate funds
for Airedale Rescue!

Jeanne Esmond with Katie and Sandy







Designed by Holly and Jessica Coes