Helen Arnold - The Ugly Duckling

Helen Arnold
Alberta, Canada



The Ugly Duckling

        Fiber Artist:
Helen Arnold
Gena Welch Booher



My name is Helen Arnold and I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I have been involved in
Airedales for several years.  My main interest is breeding, showing and generally having a great time with my dogs no matter what we do.   I have participated in the Rescue quilt almost since its inception. Once again, Gena Booher, of Airedale-L, was able to interpret my idea and put it on paper -
and I thank her for doing her usual incredible job. 

My very talented sister, Fran Mester, who lives
in Edmonton, does the actual sewing and appliqué for me. So this is really a team effort.
Fran is a very creative person, a wonderful seamstress and very supportive of all of my Airedale endeavours.







Designed by Holly and Jessica Coes